Livres en libre accès : sélection mai 2024

Couverture du livre Practices of Islamic Preaching: Text, Performativity, and Materiality of Islamic Religious Speech
Couverture du livre Practices of Islamic Preaching: Text, Performativity, and Materiality of Islamic Religious Speech. DOI: 10.1515/9783110788334

Voici une sélection de 20 livres publiés en libre accès par des presses universitaires en 2024 et portant sur la région Afrique du Nord et Moyen-Orient (ANMO, MENA/SWANA), la Méditerranée et les mondes musulmans. Vous pouvez également retrouver ces références sur le groupe Zotero de la Médiathèque de la MMSH.

Akca Ayşe Almıla, Feise-Nasr Mona, Stenske Leonie, et Süer Aydın (dir.), Practices of Islamic Preaching: Text, Performativity, and Materiality of Islamic Religious Speech, De Gruyter, 2024, [https//].

Aljoumani Said, Bhalloo Zahir et Hirschler Konrad, Catalogue of the New Corpus of Documents from the Ḥaram al-sharīf in Jerusalem, De Gruyter, 2024, [https//].

Allen Stephen et Trinidad Jamie, The Western Sahara Question and International Law: Recognition Doctrine and Self-Determination, Taylor & Francis, 2024, [https//].

Bader Eddin Eylaf, Translating the Language of the Syrian Revolution (2011/12), De Gruyter, 2024, [https//].

Clavé-Mercier Valentin et Wuth Marie (dir.), Decolonising Political Concepts, Taylor & Francis, 2024, [https//].

Cordoni Constanza, Reconfiguring the Land of Israel: A Rabbinic Project, Brill, 2024, [https//].

Cuffel Alexandra, Shared Saints and Festivals among Jews, Christians, and Muslims in the Medieval Mediterranean, Arc Humanities Press, 2024, [https//].

Drumsta Emily, Ways of Seeking: The Arabic Novel and the Poetics of Investigation, University of California Press, 2024, [https//].

Gębski Wiktor, A Grammar of the Jewish Arabic Dialect of Gabes, Open Book Publishers, 2024, [https//].

Khan Geoffrey, Arabic Documents from Medieval Nubia, Open Book Publishers, 2024, [https//].

Leonhardt Nic et Balme Christopher B. (dir.), Developing Theatre in the Global South: Institutions, networks, experts, UCL Press, 2024, [https//].

Mairs Rachel, Arabic Dialogues: Phrasebooks and the learning of colloquial Arabic, 1798-1945, UCL Press, 2024, [https//].

Makhloufi Lilia (dir.), Tangible and Intangible Heritage in the Age of Globalisation, Open Book Publishers, 2024, [https//].

Naguib Rabia (dir.), Women’s Empowerment and Public Policy in the Arab Gulf States: Exploring Challenges and Opportunities, Springer Nature, 2024, [https//].

Sang Bastian Arezoo, Between Islamic and Secular Law: Regulating Organ Transplantation in the Middle East and North Africa, sui generis Verlag, 2024, [https//].

Vloeberghs Ward et Bergh Sylvia I. (dir.), Social Accountability Initiatives in Morocco, Tunisia, and Lebanon: Civic Innovation in the Arab World After 2011, Springer Nature, 2024, [https//].

Yacoob Saadia, Beyond the Binary: Gender and Legal Personhood in Islamic Law, University of California Press, 2024, [https//].

Yakubovych Mykhaylo, The Kingdom and the Qur’an: Translating the Holy Book of Islam in Saudi Arabia, Open Book Publishers, 2024, [https//].

Zapata-Barrero Ricard et Awad Ibrahim (dir.), Migrations in the Mediterranean: IMISCOE Regional Reader, Springer Nature, 2024, [https//].

Zweiri Mahjoob, Arab-Iranian Relations Since the Arab Uprisings, Taylor & Francis, 2024, [https//].

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